Hamor and Vigilante Centennial Gift Pack


Gourmet Pack, includes a bottle of Hamor DO Rueda Verdejo and 3 cans of gourmet preserves.

1 can of scallops in scallop sauce, 115 g. ol-120 centenary watchman
1 can of octopus in olive oil, 115 g. ol-120 centenary watchman
1 can of sardines in olive oil, 120 g. RR-125 12/15 pieces centenary watchman

Hay existencias


Gourmet Pack, includes a bottle of Hamor DO Rueda Verdejo and 3 cans of gourmet preserves.

1 can of scallops in scallop sauce, 115 g. ol-120 centenary watchman
1 can of octopus in olive oil, 115 g. ol-120 centenary watchman
1 can of sardines in olive oil, 120 g. RR-125 12/15 pieces centenary watchman


Gourmet Pack, includes a bottle of Hamor DO Rueda Verdejo and 3 cans of gourmet preserves.

1 can of scallops in scallop sauce, 115 g. ol-120 centenary watchman
1 can of octopus in olive oil, 115 g. ol-120 centenary watchman
1 can of sardines in olive oil, 120 g. RR-125 12/15 pieces centenary watchman

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