Pickled mussels 9/12 Vigilante Centenario, 115 gr


Pickled mussels 9/12


Brand:Centennial Vigilante
Net weight: 115 gr
Drained weight: 72g





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The best mussels come from the most privileged enclaves for marine life, which naturally absorb the intense flavor of their waters.

Conservas Valcárcel selects the most outstanding specimens, collected at the optimal moment and prepares them by hand with the care of traditional Galician preserves.


Like the rest of the mollusks, the mussel is a source of protein, as well as a source of iron, which is why it is recommended to consume balanced and healthy diets.


The mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) is a lamelibranch mollusk with rich nutritional value thanks to its high protein content, in addition to being a source of iron. It has symmetrical bluish-black valves or shells between 4 and 8 cm. Naturally, it adheres to rocks by means of a special filament that it produces called 'byssus', forming large colonies.

In the Galician Rías, the temperature and nutrient conditions of the seawater are ideal for their development, thus obtaining mussels of optimal size and quality. Its cultivation is carried out in large floating trays, it reproduces by laying several million eggs and reaches the appropriate size to be marketed from the first year of age. It is at this moment when the ropes are removed from the water and, once on deck, they are cleaned with plenty of sea water and selected by size.



The best mussels come from the most privileged enclaves for marine life, which naturally absorb the intense flavor of their waters.

Conservas Valcárcel selects the most outstanding specimens, collected at the optimal moment and prepares them by hand with the care of traditional Galician preserves.


Like the rest of the mollusks, the mussel is a source of protein, as well as a source of iron, which is why it is recommended to consume balanced and healthy diets.


The mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) is a lamelibranch mollusk with rich nutritional value thanks to its high protein content, in addition to being a source of iron. It has symmetrical bluish-black valves or shells between 4 and 8 cm. Naturally, it adheres to rocks by means of a special filament that it produces called 'byssus', forming large colonies.

In the Galician Rías, the temperature and nutrient conditions of the seawater are ideal for their development, thus obtaining mussels of optimal size and quality. Its cultivation is carried out in large floating trays, it reproduces by laying several million eggs and reaches the appropriate size to be marketed from the first year of age. It is at this moment when the ropes are removed from the water and, once on deck, they are cleaned with plenty of sea water and selected by size.


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